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About Us

Take a close look at our logo. Notice the California Bear? He’s wearing a spiffy tech-tee, and carrying two bottles, must be going out on a long run. Have you looked at his bib? M1 is a typical designation for a [male] runner who finishes first in a competitive ultra (think Western States). When he returns the following year, he’s given this M1 bib. What race is this M1 bear running? Well, in the far distance you can see the snow-covered peaks of the Sierra range. In the foreground, the winter’s green Almaden Hills of the South Bay. That body of water between? Well, that is none other than the Sacramento River!

Knowing a little history of our logo gives you insight into what Troy values in his trail races: depth, quality and community. Troy started TCTR in 2009 because, as a former ultrarunner himself, he wants to share his love and knowledge of California’s rich and unspoiled landscape.

Our Team

We are a small, hard working team who are passionate about trail running and love sharing the mountains and nature with runners from all over the world.

We are always looking for more to join our team and to help out with organizing runs. If that sounds like you, don’t be afraid to get in touch.


If you need any more information about events, please e-mail or visit our Facebook Page

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